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Teton County Integrated Solid Waste and Recycling

The first step in understanding zero waste is understanding how materials flow through our society. With industrialization and convenience-based products, this flow has become increasingly linear – more and more raw materials are extracted from the earth, then manufactured, consumed and all too quickly, disposed of in landfills. This pattern leaves us with a one-way fast-track of valuable resources straight into the ground. Zero Waste is a movement towards a more circular flow of materials – a cycle in which the value and useable life of raw materials are extended through reduction, reuse, recycling and composting. Nature absorbs Zero Waste materials valuable nutrients or the market economy absorbs them as valuable commodities. Disposal into landfills is a last resort. The Reduce, Reuse, Recycle campaign, which started in 2005, aims to reduce Jackson Hole’s consumption of resources and landfill bound waste through creative educational and awareness-raising activities targeting residents and businesses alike, aiming for a less wasteful and more sustainable community.

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Who K-12 students and adults
What Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Education
When All Year
Where Anywhere in Teton County
Why Teton County is uniquely positioned to serve as a regional and national leader in Zero Waste. As home to the Tetons and a destination for over 3.5 million annual visitors to this treasured natural landscape, we are poised to inform and influence a broad audience.

Available Programs

Road to Zero Waste/Environmental Science Tours and Presentations

The first step in understanding zero waste is understanding how materials flow through our society. With industrialization and convenience-based products, this flow has become increasingly linear – more and more raw materials are extracted from the earth, then manufactured, consumed and all too quickly, disposed of in landfills. This pattern leaves us with a one-way […]

  • 4-ESS3-1 Earth and Human Activity
  • 5-ESS3-1 Earth and Human Activity
  • K-ESS3-3 Earth and Human Activity
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