3-LS4-3 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
- Grade: 3rd Grade
- Discipline: Life Science
Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
Available Programs

Walk With a Ranger
The Walk With a Ranger program is a great opportunity for local students to get acquainted with their public lands around Jackson. During the hike we will go over animal adaptations, talk about how we interact with the land, play games, and learn the seven principles of Leave no Trace. Kindergarten Crosscutting Concepts: Systems in […]
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A Duck Out of Water – 3rd Grade
“A Duck Out of Water” – 3rd Grade – Birds evolved from dinosaurs and early reptiles (3-LS4-1). Over many millions of years their adaptations have become quite complex and specific, allowing bird to survive in an incredible variety of places using a wide variety of strategies (3-LS4-2). This program explores the origins of birds, their […]
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Camouflage and Color
Students look at pictures of wildlife and discuss how color is an adaptation to their environment that helps them to survive. They also create colorful or camouflaged creatures. Adapted from Project Wild, pgs. 2 and 120. Cross Disciplinary Concepts: Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified and used to explain change. Vocabulary: arctic, characteristic, compete, […]
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Characteristics, Life Cycles, and Management of Insects, 3rd Grade
This program consists of three 80-minute lessons: 1) Insect Characteristics and Structures, 2) Insect Life Cycles / 2-Week Observation of Complete Metamorphosis, 3) Mosquito Life History and Management. 1) Insect Characteristics and Structures: Learning Objective: Students will learn to identify the characteristics of insects and relate insect structures to their function […]
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Move Over Rover
Students create posters of different habitats and play a game to determine which animals belong to each habitat type, Project Wild, pg. 144. Cross Disciplinary Concepts: Observable phenomena exist from very short to very long time periods. Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified and used to explain change. Vocabulary: arctic, characteristic, compete, desert, environment, habitat, human, […]
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Skins, Skulls, Antlers and Horns
Students explore and discuss different animal parts to determine their adaptations for survival. Cross Disciplinary Concepts: Observable phenomena exist from very short to very long time periods. Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified and used to explain change. Vocabulary: arctic, characteristic, compete, desert, environment, habitat, human, inherited, mate, member, migrate, mountain, need, ocean, offspring, organism, […]
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The Closer You Look
Students observe different tree species and determine how their forms help them to survive. Adapted from Project Learning Tree, pg. 263. Cross Disciplinary Concepts: Observable phenomena exist from very short to very long time periods. Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified and used to explain change. Vocabulary: arctic, characteristic, compete, desert, environment, habitat, human, inherited, mate, […]
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Summer of Discovery
Provides science programming for summer school students including field trips and science lessons in the classroom for 20-40 students for 4 weeks each summer. Content can be customized to meet student and teacher goals. 2nd Grade Cross Disciplinary Concepts: Events have causes that generate observable patterns. The shape and stability of structures of natural and […]
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Provides student engagements during teacher in-service days. Field based programming in local wild spaces and parks that can be customized to meet student and teacher goals. Historically we’ve worked with 4th and 5th grade students but have worked with younger students at their schools and in the field. 2nd Grade Cross Disciplinary Principles: Events have […]
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Distance Learning: Snow Desk!
The park offers three programs from Snow Desk, each tailored to certain grade levels. All of these programs will be broadcast to you live, via Zoom, Teams or Google Hangout, from a desk made of snow at the base of the Teton Range. No matter the topic, it will be an amazing setting and a […]
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Bird Beak Buffet
Students will determine which habitats are best suited for various bird species by investigating their beak and food gathering abilities. Students will be given various tools, modeled after different bird beaks, and they will explore the successes and challenges of various tools under certain conditions. Cross Disciplinary Concepts: Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified […]
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Animals Over Winter
1st Grade Program Description: Students will determine how wildlife have adapted to the challenges they experience during winter. Students will explore three responses to winter: adaptation, migration, and hibernation. Students will investigate the physical adaptations of wolves and connect how humans mimic their winter response. Students will explore the responses of hibernators and migrators and […]
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