5-ESS1-1 Earth’s Place in the Universe
- Grade: 5th Grade
- Discipline: Earth & Space Science
Support an argument that differences in the apparent brightness of the sun compared to other stars is due to their relative distances from Earth.
Available Programs

Ask Dr. Sam
Ask Dr. Sam is a student-driven, in-person or virtual program during which the Founder and Executive Director of Wyoming Stargazing, Dr. Sam, will present some astronomical content of your choosing and then provide opportunities for students to direct the remainder of the lesson based on their curiousities. We’ll use web-based images, videos, and applets to […]
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Stargazing Programs
1st and 5th Grade Program Description: Stargazing Programs and Virtual Stargazing Programs are extra curriculum programs that take place at night and during the day wih our contact in Sourth Africa that can connect students to the rest of the Universe through seeing stars, planets, galaxies, and other objects through telescopes. Students can use their […]
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How Far is that Star?
5th Grade Program Description: This lesson uses the scientific method to guide students through an in-class experiment using flashlights to determine how the distance from a light source such as a flashlight or a star effects how bright the light appears to the observer. We can offer this program virtually by droping the supplies off […]
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Kinesthetic Astronomy
Kindergarten Cross Disciplinary Concepts: Patterns in the natural and human designed world can be observed and used as evidence. Kindergarten Vocabulary: cloudy, cold, rainy, sunny, snowy, sunlight, temperature, warm, windy 1st Grade Program Description: Our Kinesthetic Astronomy lessons have the students use their bodies to simulate the motion of Earth around the Sun and the Moon around […]
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Planetarium Programs
1st Grade Program Description: We use our inflatable planetarium to help students understand the apparent motion of objects in the sky during each night, the changes in positions of the stars throughout the year, and changes of daylight hours throughout the year. 1st Grade Cross Disciplinary Concepts: Patterns in the natural world can be observed, used […]
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