Home | Science Standards | 5-LS1-1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structure and Processes

5-LS1-1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structure and Processes

  • Grade: 5th Grade
  • Discipline: Life Science
Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth primarily from air and water.

Available Programs

My Uncle’s Cousin’s Mother was a Tulip – 5th Grade

“My Uncle’s Cousin’s Mother was a Tulip “ – 5th Grade:  There are connections and cycles everywhere in the environment.  The air, water, earth and organisms of our planet are deeply interdependent and energy is in constant movement between them  (ESS2-1, LS1-2). During this program we will use raptors as the starting point for a […]

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Class on a Raft

Class-on-a-Raft program incorporates a scenic float from Wilson to South Park exploring riparian habitats, wildlife/fisheries issues, macroinvertebrates, human development, map reading, and more for 5th grade students. This is a direct program of SRF and is hosted through donated float trips from local rafting companies.

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Invasive Species in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 5th Grade

This program consists of three 90-minute lessons: 1) Limiting Factors in Ecosystems, 2) The Impact of Invasive Species on a Model Elk Population, 3) Managing Invasive Species. 1) Limiting Factors in Ecosystems: Learning Objectives: Students will learn that limiting factors, both abiotic and biotic, support biodiversity and maintain ecosystems in a stable state by preventing […]

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