2-LS2-2 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
- Grade: 2nd Grade
- Discipline: Life Science
Develop a simple model that mimics the function of an animal in dispersing seeds or pollinating plants.
Available Programs
Walk With a Ranger
The Walk With a Ranger program is a great opportunity for local students to get acquainted with their public lands around Jackson. During the hike we will go over animal adaptations, talk about how we interact with the land, play games, and learn the seven principles of Leave no Trace. Kindergarten Crosscutting Concepts: Systems in […]
Learn MoreFlowers, Fruits, Seeds and Weeds, 2nd Grade
This program consists of three 60-minute lessons: 1) The Purpose of a Flower, 2) What a Seed Needs, 3) Seed Dispersal and Invasive Plants. 1) The Purpose of a Flower: Learning Objective: Students will use models and specimens to review the structures of a flowering plant and their functions (roots, stem, leaves, flower), learn […]
Learn MoreMeat, Beak, Feet…. and Seeds? – 2nd Grade
2nd Grade (2 of 2): “Meat, Beak, Feet… and Seeds?” – Raptors are powerful predators. They can do everything a tiger can do… and they can fly! But, raptors also fill a critical role in helping disperse seeds for plants through secondary seed dispersal. Without birds, many plants would be in quite the pickle to […]
Learn MoreWild Science Fest
Wild Science Fest is an annual nature and science festival, encompassing school activities, interactive science exhibits, films and science-oriented stage acts. The event spans two days, including a classes-only science festival day attended by up to 1,000 elementary and middle school students; a public science festival day with typically more than 30 interactive exhibits and […]
Learn MoreSummer of Discovery
Provides science programming for summer school students including field trips and science lessons in the classroom for 20-40 students for 4 weeks each summer. Content can be customized to meet student and teacher goals. 2nd Grade Cross Disciplinary Concepts: Events have causes that generate observable patterns. The shape and stability of structures of natural and […]
Learn MoreCREST
Provides student engagements during teacher in-service days. Field based programming in local wild spaces and parks that can be customized to meet student and teacher goals. Historically we’ve worked with 4th and 5th grade students but have worked with younger students at their schools and in the field. 2nd Grade Cross Disciplinary Principles: Events have […]
Learn MoreTeton 2nd
A four hour engagement for Teton County 2nd graders based out of TSS’s Kelly Campus, this program can be customized to meet student and teacher goals. Historically programs have emphasized discovering and interpreting animal signs, the legacy of Olaus and Mardy Murie, among other things. Cross Disciplinary Concepts: Events have causes that generate observable patterns. The […]
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